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Since 1998, our wax is the only non-toxic, biodegradable, petroleum-free, eco-friendly surf wax, made using local ingredients in California straight from the farm without any synthetic chemicals.

We strive for environmental quality and ethics in our business by making ecologically friendly surf products that do not have negative effects on our environment.

We do not outsource our production or ingredients to other countries.

We get our ingredients from local farms, straight from the source in their purest and rawest forms.

We do not use chemicals or additives in our wax.

Our labels are printed from 100% FSC certified recycled paper with soy ink.

We use organic strawberries, raspberries, and jasmine for our scents.

Matunas wax is 100% Natural Surf Wax.

Purchase Matunas Organic products online here:

Green Surf Shop

Crux Surf Shop

©2010 Matunas Co., Inc.